Faculty Perspectives on International Students' Educational Experiences in PPPs in Ontario


  • Noha Haidar Georgian@ILAC College, Canada
  • Tatiana Sharipova Georgian@ILAC College, Canada
  • Noor Haidar Georgian@ILAC College, Canada




International Students, Public Private Partnerships, Educational Programs, Mental Health, Well -Being, Language Barrier


The relevance of this study lies in the fact that public-private partnerships offer an effective platform not only for developing economic and socially significant projects, but also for finding effective mechanisms, such as increasing collaboration and a greater variety of joint programs, recognizing students' prior learning, and reducing barriers to student mobility. Surveying 300 part-time faculty members in multiple PPPs through a snowball survey method. This article compared faculty perceptions of value with the expected value of the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs; P3) programs in Ontario catering to international students at satellite campuses. Through a critical examination of data, the author delves into comprehensive findings and offers recommendations to gain a deeper understanding of the matter from the faculty’s perspectives. It presents an overview of PPPs in education, student value from faculty perspectives, opportunities, and challenges of implementing partnerships. Moreover, it provides recommendations for future best practices tailored to ensure the success of private and public initiatives in the sector, throughout the collaboration between educational institutions and the government is essential to ensuring international students' well-being during their educational programs. A proposed well-being of International Students in Higher Education (WISHE) was further proposed.


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How to Cite

Haidar, N., Sharipova, T., & Haidar, N. (2024). Faculty Perspectives on International Students’ Educational Experiences in PPPs in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 4(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.53103/cjess.v4i1.204


