Learners’ Voices on Socio-Ecological Risks Faced During the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Kenya
Learner Voices, Socio-Ecological Risks, COVID-19 Pandemic LockdownAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown imposed unprecedented challenges to societies worldwide, disrupting daily routines, economies, and social interactions. Governments implemented various containment measures, including lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus. While these measures were essential for public health, they also led to socio-ecological risks that profoundly impacted individuals, particularly learners; altering their educational experiences and well-being. Thus, this study’s main purpose was to explore socio-ecological risks faced by learners during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The study was guided by Freire’s empowerment education theory which specializes in encouraging individuals to become vocal about their needs and those of the community. This study took a qualitative approach, a phenomenological critical paradigm, and a participatory visual approach. Data was generated using drawings, memory accounts, unstructured individual interviews and a focus group discussion. The study involved working with 26 participants including 3 Parents Association (PA) members, 3 teachers and 20 learners (aged 15-24 years) enrolled in Form 1 and 2 in secondary schools in Kenya. The data was triangulated and thematically analysed. The findings revealed that learners were affected by sexual, family and criminal related risks during the pandemic lockdown. In conclusion, learners faced risks in their socio-ecological setting during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown whereby these risks had devastating effects on their lives, their families, schools, and the communities at large. It was recommended that stakeholders should prioritize equitable access to technology and resources and enhance support for mental health and well-being. There is a need to strengthen social support networks, build resilience and adaptation strategies, and foster interdisciplinary research collaborations to address the multifaceted challenges faced by learners in times of crises thereby creating more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable educational ecosystems.
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